I can often be a homebody and had
originally thought that I would stick around the East for four weeks.
I had come to think of Colorado as my new home and had figured that I
would be itching to get back after a month. I did want to give the
snow on the mountaintops ample time to melt and make the hiking
easier. All told though, I stuck around for six weeks. What's the
rush? For once I didn't have a plane to catch or some job to get back
to. I caught myself enjoying my new found freedoms. I was able to
really take the time and visit with all the people that I know and
love. This extended trip was the polar opposite to say, a hectic
Christmas visit.
It's odd how things inevitably change
while simultaneously remaining the same. An odd juxtaposition for
sure. Going back to hang out with friends and family is great. There
are always the same inside jokes and stories that never get old.
These things are irreplaceable yet they often sound ridiculous when
you try to explain them to somebody not in the know. There is always
change too. That is the other side of the coin, no pun intended.
People get married and start families, towns grow, landscapes change.
Growing up happens whether you're paying attention or not and the pace
only quickens. I am blessed to know so many great people and seeing
them always makes me feel so fortunate. Living out west makes me
really appreciate other staples of the south as well, one being
accents. Generally, most of the accents in Colorado are pretty flat
compared to what I'm used to. I sorely missed the myriad of drawls
and twangs from Alabama and North Carolina. If you aren't from the
south then they probably all sound the same. Being from that area and
having an ear for it, I assure you this is not the case. This also
gives rise to much beloved local colloquialisms. Admittedly they
range in shades of red from the darker "Used to could" and
"Onced or twiced" to the lighter "Way on back now"
and "Of an evening". As I type this I realize that they
probably don't even make sense without the proper context. Of course
the quintessential "Y'all" shall not be forgotten. No
matter how out of place, I use it always. Ready to take it to the
next level? All y'all.
That. Just. Happened. The speed at which my accent will come
back will surprise even myself and I welcome it. I can't speak of the
south without waxing poetic about food as well. There is so much
soulful comfort food that I grow hungry just thinking about it. I
don't know why but oddly enough when I think of food back home
Bojangles always quickly comes to mind. If you don't know what I'm
talking about then you haven't yet lived. Lastly, corn liquor.
Commonly known as moonshine, there is nothing else like it.
After you leave an area you fondly
remember it as you last saw it. Both time and change are always
present though. It is important to go back to the old stomping
grounds as circumstances allow. I was able to make one big circle
once in North Carolina. I started out in Sylva and then went to
Wilmington. After that I made my way down to Montgomery, Alabama and
eventually back up again to Sylva. While in Sylva I combed through
the last of my things at mom's house as she was getting ready to
move. It was good that I did too. It is always fascinating how many
forgotten things get unearthed while moving. I found a bunch of
childhood treasures in the form of baseball cards, old coins,
garnets, arrow heads and broken pottery.
Mom and I both went through
a small mountain of old photographs. Some I had never even seen but
all brought back fond memories. I also garnered new addictions to the
show Breaking Bad and a proprietary recipe of aptly named Kick A$$
margaritas. Wilmington failed to disappoint. I have never had a bad
time in that town and it was great being there for the wedding of
Lindsay and Eric (Congratulations again you guys). With an occasion
like that old friends are sure to come out of the woodwork and it was
great seeing faces for the first time in several years. Also, my
brother lives in town and it is always so good to see him. In
Montgomery I was able to spend time with family members at a sane
pace. Again, this was no helter skelter Christmas visit. Spending
time at the lake was also fun. Greater periods of time go by
in between each visit so I was sure to enjoy this one. Dad was
motivated to get out and explore an old fire tower and the area
around it. It was a good time and nice to see a new area of Lake
Heading back up to North Carolina rounded the trip out. I helped mom with her move as much as I could and also spent valuable time with very close friends. I love all y'all and very much enjoy spending time with you.
Heading back up to North Carolina rounded the trip out. I helped mom with her move as much as I could and also spent valuable time with very close friends. I love all y'all and very much enjoy spending time with you.
As my self declared departure dates
would approach, show up, and then slide by I would make new ones. I
was dragging my feet and not looking forward to the gratuitously long
drive ahead of me. All good things must come to an end though. The
car got packed with the last of my keepsakes from mom's on top of
everything else and I hit the road. This time however I was not going
to go back the way I came. I had been on I-70 and seen Kansas
already. Sorry Dorothy but no amount of heel clicking will convince
me to see Kansas anytime soon. This time I had my sights set on New
Mexico, the new and unseen.
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